Electric Mobility Summer Internship Programme Launched by JPS Foundation

August 13, 2021

Written by Kimani O’Sullivan – CARIMAC (Media and Communication)

Photo captions by Britany Forsythe – CARIMAC (Integrated Marketing and Communication)

eMobility Interns

Electric mobility takes center stage, as the JPS Foundation launches its Summer Internship Programme.

The JPS Foundation has welcomed five newly appointed Interns who will provide support for the implementation of the IDB Project, Building a Sustainable Electric Mobility Ecosystem (BSEME), for which the Foundation is the executing agency. The BSEME project aims to create the environment for a sustainable electric mobility ecosystem through three main components: Market Sensitization, Public Awareness and Knowledge Management; Innovative Technology and Finance and Technical Capacity Building and Training. This Project’s launch is a swift response to the global trend, as electric mobility rises to prominence worldwide, revolutionizing the energy and automobile industry alike.

The Interns, who are students of the University of the West Indies, University of Technology, and the Caribbean Maritime University, will help pave the way as the country looks towards incorporating more sustainable forms of energy consumption and development in the near future.

An official orientation was conducted for them at the JPS headquarters located on Knutsford Boulevard in Kingston. Led by Director of Corporate Communications, Winsome Callum, and BSEME Project Manager, Coleen Palmer-Wright, along with members of the Corporate Communications and Marketing Team, a thorough onboarding process was completed.

Quite fittingly, the interns were part of a ‘vehicle touch and see session’ in which the company’s very own electric car was on display. Business Development Manager, Richard Gordon, gave a comprehensive breakdown of the inner workings of the vehicle. A charging tutorial was also given using the level 2 charging station situated on the premises.

JPS President and CEO, Michel Gantois, accompanied by Chief Operating Officer, Gary Barrow, later joined the group and welcomed them to the Company. The JPS leaders then led a rap session with the young interns and offered them sound advice and words of encouragement.

Through this programme, the JPS Foundation will be offering these interns a hands-on experience, as they work together to achieve the common goal of propelling the country into a brighter future, filled with opportunities and development facilitated by e-Mobility. As the interns fielded their respective questions, a greater knowledge of the task at hand was greeted with enthusiasm and tenacity. It is without a doubt that this project, the first of its kind, may serve as an economic game changer in the making.

BSEME Summer Interns (l-r) Joel Richards, Kimani O’Sullivan, Britany Forsythe, Ajay Richards and Malik McTavish paused during their orientation exercise to share a moment with the lens.

The interns were very engaged and attentive as Michel Gantois, President and CEO (3rd l) and Gary Barrow-COO (r) led a rap session. (l-r) Joel Richards, Malik McTavish, Britany Forsythe, Kimani O’Sullivan, Ajay Richards.

Intern, Britany Forsythe explored how the charging station worked as the other interns looked on from (l-r) Kimani O’Sullivan, Malik McTavish, Joel Richards, Ajay Richards.

The team is excited and rearing to engage on this campaign that will provide a sustainable environment to promote and maintain the use of electric vehicles in Jamaica.

Front (l-r) Audrey Williams – Media and Public Relations Manager, Coleen Palmer-Wright – Project Coordinator, Soleta Thomas – JPS Foundation Secretary; Winsome Callum – Director of Corporate Communication; Britany Forsythe – Summer Intern.

Back (l-r), Andre Mangue – Marketing Manager; Joel Richards – Summer Intern; Kimani O’Sullivan – Summer Intern; Kevin White – JPS Foundation Project Officer (East), Richard Gordon – Business Development Manager – Joel Richards and Malik McTavish – Summer Interns.