Temporary Service

Special events or activities at a construction site sometimes result in the need for temporary electricity supply. We can help you with that!  By applying for temporary supply, you can have the power to do all you need to do for the time you need to do it. 


Do you fit in any of these categories? 
  • “I am using a location that has not had power supply for more than a year.”
  • “I am using an open field or location that has no power supply at all.”
  • “My power supply is too weak for what I want to do.” 
  • “My location uses 110 volts and my equipment requires 220 volts.”


If yes, it’s time to apply for temporary supply. This is how you do it:

If you need temporary supply, the first step is to su Special events or activities at a construction site sometimes result in the need for temporary electricity supply. We can help you with that!  By applying for temporary supply, you can have the power to do all you need to do for the time you need to do it. 


Do you fit in any of these categories? 
  • “I am using a location that has not had power supply for more than a year.”
  • “I am using an open field or location that has no power supply at all.”
  • “My power supply is too weak for what I want to do.” 
  • “My location uses 110 volts and my equipment requires 220 volts.”


If yes, it’s time to apply for temporary sup bmit an application to JPS via the MyJPS App or Web Portal. We will carry out a field visit if necessary and advise if you will need Government Electrical Regulator (GER) certification. 



  • Log on to the GER Portal at https://ger.org.jm and choose an electrician from among the list of registered electricians on the Portal.
  • After the electrician completes his/her work you will need to choose a private electrical inspector from the list of licensed private electrical inspectors on the GER Portal to carry the inspection of the electrical works. JPS will be able to see the inspection certificate as soon as it is uploaded to the GER Portal.
  • Once the certificate is issued you will then visit a JPS office, to apply for temporary supply. You will need to provide JPS with details of the load requirements, for example, the types of speakers that will be used at the event.
  • A deposit will be determined based on the required load. This deposit is paid and you will be asked to sign a contract
  • JPS will then take up to 5 days to provide the power supply. 



It is best to start this process as early as possible to allow for the various wait-times associated with the Government processes and installation of your supply. Our priority is to provide you with safe, legal and adequate power supply for all your events and projects.

For more details chat with an agent via the MyJPS Mobile App or call our JPS Customer Care Center at 1-888-CALL JPS (225-5577).

Apply for Temporary Supply