Terms & Conditions

The Company shall provide service under its current Rates or any related amendments from time to time. These Terms and Conditions are also subject to the provisions of its Licences under the Electric Lighting Law and Regulations made under the same  Licences or the Law.

The Company shall provide service under its current Rates or any related amendments from time to time. These Terms and Conditions are also subject to the provisions of its Licences under the Electric Lighting Law and Regulations made under the same  Licences or the Law.

You may obtain copies of these Terms and Conditions  at the Company’s Head Office at 6 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5 and at all our parish and branch offices. These Terms and Conditions may be modified by the special Terms and Conditions of individual rates, or of written contracts.

Unless and otherwise specifically provided in any rate applicable or in a contract between the customer and the Company, the term of any agreement  becomes effective on the day the customer’s installation is connected to the Company’s service for the purpose of taking electricity energy. It shall then continue  until it is cancelled by written notice by either party.

To view the Standard Terms & Conditions that apply to electric service and rates in the entire territory served by The Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, please click the button below to view/download the PDF document.
View Terms & Conditions